Shopping Spree

Disclaimer: I am not a big shopper. My husband does all the grocery shopping. I only shop when I really need something, and since the pandemic, almost all of that happens online. However, I was at a loss for what to write about today, and the prompt on the Jetpack app was – Where would you go on a shopping spree?

If I could go on a shopping spree, it would definitely be to Target! Target has everything! In no particular order are just a few of the many, many things that would end up in my multiple carts during this spree.

  • Books – I have too many on my wishlist to list here, but they would include picture books, middle-grade books, and adult fiction and nonfiction.
  • Stationery & School Supplies – Admittedly, I have an addiction to this department. The haul here would include journals, notecards, post-it notes, stickers, index cards, pens (lots of pens) with all different colors of ink, sharpies (thick and thin), flair markers, colored pencils, and folders & folios. The list here could on and on.
  • Beauty – I don’t wear a great deal of make-up, but I would get some nice mascara, lotions & potions to help my aging skin, luxurious bath gels, eye masks, and new hair gadgets & accessories.
  • Electronics – I’d love a digital camera and an upgrade to my ancient iPad.
  • Home & Furniture – Oh what I could do in this section – bedding, storage, pillows, throw blankets, kitchen gadgets for the chef in my life…
  • Video games – for the boys in my life.
  • Toys – The grandkids would certainly give me a list
  • Arts & Crafts – This is a favorite activity when I am spending time with the grandkids.

The list could go on and on. There still are many other things on my list – purses, comfy socks, slippers, and new luggage. Then there is the seasonal section of the store. A lot of damage could be done there! Of course, there are all the practical things I could use – cleaning supplies, personal supplies, and food. And don’t forget the DOLLAR SPOT!

For someone who doesn’t shop very often and can’t say they enjoy it, I am having no problem dreaming about what I would get on my shopping spree!

8 thoughts on “Shopping Spree

  1. I saw this prompt today and skipped it (again, lol!). Mainly because I’d have a tough time or just get snarky at it and say, hello, Jetpak, it would obviously be a bookstore! But now that I read your post, maybe not. Target is one of my faves, but Amazon is another. Or maybe Etsy because there are so many unique items there. Or my favorite jewelry store. Or…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love that you took a shopping spree in your mind and it didn’t even cost a penny. Clever. Rita, you mentioned the Jetpack App and I’ve been stressing about this whole transfer thing. Do you have any advice? I’m so afraid I’m going to lose my blog posts or encounter another technical disaster.

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    1. All my posts are still where they should be. I think it is mostly just the reader and notifications when I use my phone to check on things. Everything on is status quo on my desktop.


  3. If I could go on a shopping spree I think I would agree with your choice of Target. I would also have many books in my cart. I think the one section I would hit as well would be the gift card section. I would never have to pay for Kindle unlimited again! Haha.

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  4. We do not have a Target nearby…actually, we don’t have much of anything. One of the downfalls of living in a small town. But it sounds like you would so enjoy your spree even if you don’t like shopping.

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  5. I love that you used the Jetpack App prompt. I still haven’t switched over quite all the way, so I haven’t seen that yet. And Target is a great choice for your spree. I miss Target up here in Canada!

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