Reflections on the Challenge

On this last day of the SOLSC I am thinking about so many things. This year felt different for me – more challenging. It seemed more challenging to find ideas, to flesh out those ideas, and to read and respond to other slicers.

That being said, I have been inspired to continue a daily writing practice. That is always my goal, but life gets in the way – or I let it. When I turn my calendar to April tomorrow, I will pencil in time to write rather than leave it to chance.

Thank you to all the slicers who gave me food for thought, formats to imitate, and responses to buoy my spirit. If I haven’t responded to you this month, I will be returning to read and respond to more slices in the weeks ahead.

Thank you to for providing this space to write, connect, and learn. It is greatly appreciated.

Until next year for some you, and until Tuesday for others, I wish you days filled with hope and joy and lots of writing.

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