Accidentally Speaking

So yesterday I did this thing.

I am participating again this year in #100daysofnotebooking facilitated by the always smiling Michelle Haseltine (@Mhaseltine). Yesterday I wrote in my notebook, took pictures of my pages, and posted them in what I thought was the private (over 500 writers strong) Facebook group. I then went on to peruse Facebook for a bit.

Much to my surprise, I saw a comment on my post that was from someone not in the note-booking group. YIKES!! I had actually put my collection of thoughts out into my vast world of followers. 😉 For a minute of so I thought I would just go and delete it, but then there were more comments. My OLW for 2022 is EMBRACE, so I decided to embrace my “accident” and leave the post up. I posted this in the comments –

Rita DiCarne I accidentally shared this post. It was meant for a note-booking group I am in with other writers. 😬 I was going to take it down, but I am “embracing” life this year, and this is what life was like today – challenging, but good. 🤷‍♀️

I couldn’t believe the outpouring of love and support I got from friends and family and my school community. They totally embraced my writing and then embraced me with their kind words.

When I looked at my post this morning and was reading through the comments again I realized I wrote something I had never written before – I called myself a writer! I know that might sound silly, but I have never referred to myself in conversation or in print as a writer. I guess I will just have to EMBRACE my new moniker!