Phone Woes

The bad news is I forgot my phone today and not on purpose! The good news is I made it through the day without getting the shakes.

On my way to school this morning, I realized that I left my phone at home. I was only a couple of turns away from school and toyed with the idea of going back home to get it, (It is only a 10-12 minute drive, and I had 15 minutes until my appointed arrival time) but I decided it would be cutting it too close.

When I got to school, I called my husband from the main office to let him know that I did not have my phone. I knew it had been in my pants pocket when I came downstairs for breakfast, but where did I leave it? Apparently, my need to multi-task was the culprit. I had been reading a book on the Kindle app while I ate my bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios, and there it stood when I returned home after school.

I seriously considered running home during my prep period at 11:10, but then the more rational me talked myself out of making an unnecessary trip and wasting time and gas. Instead, I began making a list of things that I would normally use my phone for. Some are less important than others.

Every experience brings a learning opportunity. What did I learn today?

  • Dependency – I depend on my phone far too much. I was going to do some errands after school, but my phone held account numbers and shopping apps which I needed. I should prepare some things ahead of time.
  • Creature of Habit – Since I didn’t get to do my three puzzles and share them with my sister-in-law and niece, I felt out of sorts. I usually do them before work every day, but today they had to wait until I returned home along with the other “things” I check each morning. I guess I hit the snooze button once too many times this morning.
  • Weather – Every day a student in my class asks me the temperature before he gets ready to go to lunch recess. I could find that information on my desktop.

I am proud of myself for not giving in to panic and rash decisions because I was sans cell phone today. I didn’t reach for it as much as I thought I would, but I must admit; I broke out my emergency Diet Coke at lunch today. ๐Ÿ™‚

7 thoughts on “Phone Woes

  1. OMG…I lost my phone this morning, too, and had to rush out without it because I was meeting my son and his girls for breakfast. I was so stressed so I can totally relate to how unnerving it felt to go all day without it. Hope you can now relax and enjoy the break. Happy Easter, Rita!

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  2. Rita, I am so addicted to my phone. I like how you didn’t give in. I think I would have, and I totally understand wanting to solve my favorite puzzles in the morning. Somehow, I forget to do the Wordle from time to time and then I’m back to day 1. It’s amazing how many places want us to download their apps to do business. Glad you could enjoy your coke today!

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