Productivity vs. Presence

What does being productive mean? What does it look like? Feel like? Today is Friday, and I am thinking back over my week and wondering if I checked enough things off of my many lists.

List making makes me feel in control when I know that there is not such thing as being in control. No matter how well you plan your week, there is always that one or two or twenty things that pop up unexpectedly. Sometimes those things end up being the best parts of your week.

The older I get the more I realize that I don’t have as much stamina as I once had, and some things just don’t get done on a rigid timeline. I will get to them eventually, but I am done beating myself up over perceived lack of productivity. I am more about presence these days.

This week I got to be present with my grandsons. I had time to talk to both of them and ask them about their school day. Parker regaled us with his fabulous recorder skills. (You may think I am bias as a grandmom, but as a former music teacher I have heard more than my share of bad recorder playing!) Nolan had time to show me his special dinosaur and organize a few “group” hugs.

What might productivity look like through the lens of presence?

  • writing a shopping list
  • savoring a cup of tea – noticing its unique aroma
  • cleaning out one drawer
  • finishing a book
  • playing a board game

This weekend I am going to focus on being present, and maybe productivity will come along for the ride.


4 thoughts on “Productivity vs. Presence

  1. “This weekend I am going to focus on being present, and maybe productivity will come along for the ride.”

    Yes! Enjoy the process, and perhaps, another slice could be sharing how that goes. Sitting with myself is bliss as I get older.

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