Keeping Faith

I have been reading I’ve Been Thinking… by Maria Shriver.  It is a collection of quotes, reflections, and prayers all wrapped up in a couple of short pages for each entry.  In this book, Shriver offers insights into her life and the lessons she has learned from experience. Yesterday’s topic was titled “Faith Keepers,” and in it, Shriver explains her relationship with her girlfriends and how one of those girlfriends calls the others her “faith keepers.”  

“My girlfriends keep the faith for me when I can’t find it within myself.” This line really struck a chord with me. I immediately thought of my book club girlfriends, The Chapter Chicks.  The group is made up of 10 women who span from ages in the mid-fifties to 83 who have been sharing books and friendship since 2004.  Collectively, we have been through too many life experiences to count, but one thing I can always count on is when I am going through a rough patch the Chicks will be there to keep the faith for me.

The last book club gathering was to have taken place on March 26th at my house, but I needed to cancel due to the pandemic.  We could never do a virtual meeting because we all talk too much! There are always conversations going on alongside other conversations, lots of laughing, and maybe a little discussion about the book we read.

On April 1st, one of the Chicks sent an email to check-in on how everyone was doing, and she asked each of us to reply to her email with some good news. She thought it would be a nice way to stay connected since we don’t know when we will be able to meet again in person; she dubbed it “Chick Chat.” (Try saying that 10x quickly!)

We are on our second installment of “Chick Chat,” and I look forward to reading about what everyone else is doing during these stay-at-home days. These are some of my “faith keepers.”  I know that I can reach out to any of them for advice, a shoulder to cry on, or a venting session. They each have sage advice and help me keep the faith when I can’t find it within myself.  So, thank you: Anita, Judy O, Judy S, Julie, Pat, Peggy, Regina, Robyn, and Rosanne for being such good friends over the years. I can’t wait until we can meet again! 

Stay well.

6 thoughts on “Keeping Faith

  1. I always feel my life takes on a meaningful direction simply because I belong to a book club. Sadly, my membership in any single club has never lasted more than a year for various reasons. I may be one of those people who cannot maintain a relationship…

    Your posts always inspire.

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  2. Nice post, Rita. Thank you! I’ve been thinking a lot about my friends lately. Besides blogging, FaceBook, and texts. I have not chatted with anyone since last Thursday. Although that is not too long ago, I do miss my weekly walk-chats with a friend and coffee dates with others. I’ve also realized something that is related to your post – friends don’t judge one another. I’m trying to come to terms with that realization, but the fact that I have many friends who don’t “judge” and only one that I feel “judges” is a good thing. You’ve inspired me to write a future post about this! Thanks!

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  3. Thank you for this fun slice with its reminder to “Keep the Faith.” Today, I was kind of low. I didn’t realize how much I miss interacting with people face-to-face (although Slice of Life Tuesdays feel like chatting with friends). I like the idea of having “Faith Keepers” to help us along our way. The Chick Chat is a clever name for your chatty bunch. I’m glad you found a way to stay connected…even now. Thank you for this; it really gave me a lift.

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  4. Well, Rita, I can certainly identify with this well-written slice. I, too, have belonged to a book club for almost 20 years. Like you, we have shared the good, the bad and the ugly while also managing to read and discuss (a bit) a book per month. I may have to steal the Chick Chat idea. Wonderful! Hope we are all back together soon.

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  5. Rita,
    My husband are over here trying to say “Chick Chat” ten times fast! It didn’t work so well and we had a laugh. Another thing to add to our alphabetizing spices and celebrating clean towel day on this day in April Pandemic 2020.

    Thank God for friends who help us keep the faith for us. Book friends are some of the best of all. I hope you can meet in person sooner rather than later.


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