Snow Day Sounds


sol#SOL17 Day 14

A snow day literally and figuratively falls from the sky, unbidden, and seems like a thing of wonder. ~ Susan Orlean

Hear the wind whipping
The sleet slamming against the bedroom window
Snowstorms should be quiet

As day breaks there is silence
Just snow falling, no alarm clocks ringing,
No whispers of showers, no hustle, no bustle

Soon the voices of newscasters fill the air
Reporting from near and far
The heater clicks on and off with greater frequency

Later the sounds of shovels scraping the blacktop
Combine with humming snow blowers and car motors
Reverberating through the neighborhood

The house begins to crackle and creak
As the sun makes a short appearance
Crunching boots resound through the frozen precipitation

Spoons stirring in cups of hot cocoa
Sputtering popcorn jumps into the bowl
It’s good to be home on a day like today


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