A Nice Surprise

sol#SOL18 Day 18

The best things happen unexpectedly. ~Unknown

Today I went on a rare shopping trip to a department store.  The older I get, the less I enjoy shopping. I usually resort to putting my Amazon Prime membership in overdrive.  I have to say I enjoyed my little trip with my husband. We had a list of what we wanted to get, and we attacked the store in a purposeful order.  

I must admit that there were a few items purchased that were not on our original list: a great new bag for spring and another one that was too much of a good buy to pass up, and a couple of clearance shirts.

I bought each of my grandchildren a summer outfit to put in their Easter baskets.  We found and agreed on the four outfits with relatively little debate. It was great.  The checkout line was short, and the clothes were all on sale, but the best thing about the whole trip was that the store offered free gift wrap!  That is unheard of these days of cutbacks. I happily left the store with my four gifts wrapped complete with bows. Bingo!

10 thoughts on “A Nice Surprise

  1. Sweet Sunday! I’m thinking no expectations can sometimes lead to great realities, like yours. Hope the rest of your day goes as well.

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