The End of the Rainbow


#SOL16 Day 17

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. ~ Matthew 6:21

What treasure would you keep at the end of the rainbow?

I would keep the memories that I have made with my family and friends. Memories – my first date, my wedding day, the birth of my children, the death of my father, the wedding days of my children, the day I learned I was going to be a Nona (grandmom). I would keep all the memories that others may not think were memorable – babysitting my grandchildren, getting published, the faces of my students during the spring show, a thank you received from a student, my 40th birthday spent in Vermont leaf-peeping. I could go on and on.

I have learned over the years that those are more important than gold. So often we get wrapped up in our day to day lives that we forget about those times that brought us joy and sadness, those times that shaped who we have become.

If I keep those memories as treasures, when I am having a bad day, I can go to my “pot of gold”, pull out a memory, and remind myself how good my life has really been. If I keep those memories as treasures, when I am old and having trouble remembering, I can pull out a memory and feel like the younger me.

Thinking about this questions makes me realize that I should be writing more in my journal – my “pot of gold” – because no matter how good a person’s memory is the memories will eventually fade. Writing will keep them alive.

6 thoughts on “The End of the Rainbow

  1. Love your metaphor: “my journal–my pot of gold.” Such a “pot of gold” and it will be inheritance for your children. Speaking of that, I have a book, To Our Children’s Children by Bob Greene, that is filled with questions / prompts to help you journal your personal family memories. I need to pick it up again and write some more with it as a guide.

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